Jl. Pahlawan No.34, RW.7, Rempoa, Kec. Ciputat Tim., Kota Tangerang Selatan, Daerah Banten 15412
Phone : +62 838-7833-3662
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Analog Concept
Get the analog feel with Otary Concept 1 operated by Internationally certified engineers, and see how much you can get a difference atmosphere for your audio production results
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Mastering Service
We are a partner of Studios 301 in Australia , the largest mastering facility, specializing in mastering music for iTunes, CD, Vinyl and other digital releases in a variety of genres. (read more)
Backbeat Cafe
Backbeat cafe (read more)
Backbeat World
Backbeat studios has always been trying to provide the best professional services in the music industry, providing variety of services ranging from jingle composing, music & song composing, film scoring, voice over, overdub, to music production. To get the best result of your needs, we have equipped ourselves with the latest sophisticated technology to date.

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What People Said

We served many professionals in audio post and music industries in Indonesia, please check out Our Client Testimonial Video from many professional Musician , Artist , Music Producers , Indie Musician , etc. 

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Recent Activity

ABC Project

Perkenalkan nama saya Ferdian Kelana dari @Blood4LifeID. Terima kasih sudah bersedia ikut ambil bagi...(read more)

Nadira Adnan Ft. Glenn Fredly

Single Ke 3 Nadira Adnan Feat. Glenn Fredly. Setelah sukses dengan kedua single nya (Cinta Data... (read more)

Naura - Untuk Tuhan

Naura merilis single terbarunya yang berjudul “Untuk Tuhan”. Lagu ciptaan Mhala dan Tantra Numat... (read more)